Monday, 14 February 2011

Happy, Healthy Hens

 Getting all my hens in tiptop condition for laying and breeding this season by using a fantastic hen health food topper.It includes linseeds, pumpkin seeds, garlic, manuka honey, lovely, big, juicy oats and liquorice root powder amongst other magical ingredients. I've just been sprinkling a little of it into their pellets every few days and my hens are loving it....
Anyone want some? £4.00 for 300g

click on the PAYPAL link below,or email me at


our hens will love you even more!!   

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Well Goodbye and GoodRiddance to January.

Seems like the weather has turned a corner (Well a little bit anyway) and it's not as mind-numbingly freezing.

Our new breeds are coming along really well and we've had our first few eggs from them which have gone straight into the incubator. Who knows..... we may have our first chicks of 2011 before the end of the month.

Just to remind you. Our 2011 breeds are;
Salmon Favorolles, Cream Legbars and Silkie Goldtops. Not forgetting our 'old faithful' hybrids. I'm pretty sure they are all going to be in high demand so get in touch asap and reserve your birds!!!....... xxxx